Shortly before Obama took office, I wrote a post with the title What will the world look like after this economic crisis? I saw the big economic crisis of the time as an inevitable correction. The US had been living too big for too long. I saw that Africans were taking over international jobs once reserved for expatriates. The rest of the world was catching up to America in terms of the ability to get tings done. I said that American would come out of this recession poorer than it went in--the glory days were gone.
After Obama's inauguration, I changed my mind. He convinced me that I had been thinking too small. I remember almost titling that post Slapped down by Obama.
Trump won because I was right. For much of America, we did not recover from that economic crisis. Last summer, we drove through Indiana and I saw the communities that never recovered. I think Obama did a great job. He brought hope and change to many. However the world has changed. Whereas in the 1950s, a blue color american could support a middle class family, that will never be true again.
There are great jobs for well educated people. There are plenty of opportunities for those with the right skills and in the right place. This is a golden age for entrepreneurship. But what do you do for those who are unwilling or unable to to take advantage of those opportunities?
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